At the last meeting it was decided that we should have a recommended reading page. If you’ve read any great books recently then post them here or email us:

Get sharing!

Thank you Liz Wright for recommending the intriguingly titled, The Elegance of the Hedgehog, by Muriel Barbery:

“I’ve just enjoyed The Elegance of the Hedgehog, by Muriel Barbery. Originally written in French and set in an apartment block in Paris, it’s a quirky exploration of philosophy, art and culture through the two unlikely heroines- the middle aged, deliberately self effacing concierge and the 12 year old alienated daughter of a diplomat and his wife. Funny, touching, great characterisation. Happy Reading…..  Liz Wright.”

If any members of the group get the chance to read Liz’s suggestion, let us know what you thought. Leave a comment here or drop us an email.


Thank you Sinead Kerr for recommending the following:

The Reader   by Bernhard Schlink
Blaming   by Elizabeth Taylor
The Tenderness of Wolves  by Stef Penney
The Little Wabi Sabi Companion   by Diane Durston
Breath  by Tim Winton

Again, let us know if you get a chance to read any of Sinead’s recommendations… and tell us what you thought!

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