The majority of the group liked this cleverly written book with it’s twists and turns. The book is peppered with irony and humour.  Members enjoyed the bleak humour of Walter guessing the way Kimmel killed his wife and then fantasising about murdering his own.;  the close observation of people and often their recognisable if less attractive features….especially Walter’s progressively doubting friends;  the pervading edgy tension as Walter dithers, lies and blunders;  its ironies especially Walter’s final blunder as he accidently murders a stranger;  the stage neurosis of Clara; the calculating Kimmel.

It was suspenseful and atmospheric, particularly the transition from a fantasy of murder to actually being implicated in one. The group liked the psychological insight into the disturbed minds of Walter and Kimmel, the contrast between the way Kimmel feels completely justified in his murder of his wife and Walter feels partial guilt and blame for his murderous thoughts alone.

Despite enjoying the relatively easy read there were a number of plot holes. Would Kimmel really have put up with Corby’s brutal assaults without complaint to higher authority ; would Walter, a Lawyer, allow his home to be searched without a warrant?  The bullying detective is an unconvincing character but adds to the plot development.  Towards the end the plotline becomes increasingly complex and amongst falls over.

Our final thoughts  were around 21st century developments e.g. CCTV and DNA testing would make the plot unfeasible.

Group score 7.5